The Answers Project
Stephen Cole and Mhairi Beveridge couldn't be further apart in age or attitude. But every week, with the help of a few expert guests, they'll close the generation gap and investigate some of society's biggest questions. The Answers Project from CGTN Europe.
10 episodes
S02E04: Can you measure intelligence?
Some researchers have suggested that intelligence is a single, general ability. Others believe that intelligence encompasses a range of aptitudes, skills and talents. Is it a philosophical question, a neurological question, or both? If you can ...
Season 2
Episode 4
S02E03: Do we need exams in schools?
In 2020 and 2021, millions of students around the world couldn't sit their exams because of COVID. The pandemic has derailed exams everywhere, the UK cancelled exams and replaced them with teacher assessments and last summer in France, hi...
Season 2
Episode 3
S02E02: Can we ever beat poverty?
We've been talking about poverty for a long time, and it still hasn't been resolved. Furthermore, the last two years of pandemic have undone a lot of the previous decades’ progress on poverty alleviation.We talk to a leading expert on po...
Season 2
Episode 2
S02E01: Should all zoos be closed?
The Answers Project, where The Agenda’s Stephen Cole and Mhairi Beveridge ask the best brains on the planet to shed light on some of the most pressing ethical, scientific, geopolitical and philosophical quandaries. In this, the first episode in...
Season 2
Episode 1
S01E06: Are we alone in the universe?
Despite the lack of evidence that aliens exist, it’s hard to find an astrophysicist who will tell you they believe we are alone in the universe. Enrico Fermi summed up this sentiment in the 1950s when he simply asked: where is everybody? In thi...
Season 1
Episode 6
S01E05: Why don’t we have a global currency?
One world, one currency; it's a nice idea but how realistic is it in practice? The Euro crisis proved how difficult it was to have a single currency that covers a large area containing different economies. In this episode Mhairi and Stephen dis...
S01E04: Should countries be banned from exporting waste?
The scope for malpractice in the waste industry is huge and often results in rich countries dumping their trash on poorer nations. So should countries be forced to start managing their waste domestically? And is there any real financial benefit...
Season 1
Episode 4
S01E03: What is a life worth?
Whilst all human life may be priceless, the reality is that putting a price tag on a life is an important part of the job for legislators all over the world. In this episode of The Answers Project, Mhairi and Stephen unpick the messy equation o...
Season 1
Episode 3
S01E02: What is the right age to start school?
In Northern Ireland, children begin primary school at the age of four - younger than anywhere else in the world. Across the water, in Finland, they start three years later. So who has got it right? Should children be allowed to determine their ...
Season 1
Episode 2
S01E01: Will soldiers become obsolete
The wars of tomorrow will be faster, more high-tech and less human than ever before. But will robots ever fully replace soldiers on the battlefield? Stephen and Mhairi kick off the first episode of The Answers Project with ethics, logistics and...
Season 1
Episode 1